I Landed On The Mun… Sort Of…

13 01 2013
Were I... landed...

Were I… landed…

Well, I made it to the Mun in KSP. The whole mission was frustrating. The VAB wasn’t cooperating, I almost didn’t make orbit, I almost didn’t make Mun insertion, I almost didn’t make Mun orbit. But, I was headed toward the surface. I was like, “YES! FINALLY!”

I headed toward the  Mun with my lander (I didn’t plan to return, so it had no impromptu legs and little fuel) and noticed that I couldn’t slow down. AT. ALL.

Then I ran out of fuel.

It didn’t take me long to figure out that this wouldn’t end well.

I slammed into the Mun at 380 meters per second, or 850 miles per hour, faster than sound (761 MPH), leaving the Kerbal remains splattered all over the mountain.

I walked over to my brother and said, “I crashed… INTO THE MUN!” and high-fived.

Still, I think this would be appropriate: