War Thunder Review

29 05 2013


An amazing spectacle. An inspiration for fighter pilots everywhere. The inspiration for the Star Wars space battles.

Harder than it looks.


War Thunder is a WWII aerial combat simulator (right now anyway–it will eventually expand to ground vehicles and boats). It is also an MMO, and like many MMO’s, it is free, but has things to pay real money for.

But most of things are non-essential (the cooler planes, etc.) or can be earned by playing the game and gaining in-game currency. With that aside, lets get to the heart of the matter: War Thunder is cool, challenging and fun.

A quick sample of the graphics for you:

ImageYup, that’s an actual in-game screenshot. The game is absolutely beautiful. Some of the best I’ve seen in any game I’ve played.

But that’s all for moot if the game isn’t good, right? Thankfully, the game is a very fun challenge. The game is pretty hard, even in arcade mode, and takes time to master. This is a good thing. 

It’s also very cool to be able to fly WWII planes and dogfight. One of the most important things about this game is that it actually feels like a WWII dogfight, be it from the movies if your’e in the arcade mode, or real life if your in the two realistic modes.

My only complaint is that the game does have a few minor bugs, and the controls are a bit funky (if you have a laptop, use an external mouse!). These don’t detract from the game too much, though.

In conclusion, this game is highly recommended.

Concept: A air combat simulator set in World War II.

Graphics: 10/10

Challenge/Fun Balance:  9/10

Controls: 6/10

Bugs?: Minor

Overall: 9/10