Kerbal Space Program Review

28 02 2013
Remember, any landing you can walk away from...

Remember, any landing you can walk away from…

Well, after playing it for a good, long while, I am finally ready to do a full review of Kerbal Space Program 0.18.4. Problem is, I don’t know where to start…

I guess I’ll start with the premise. Might as well make it epic, as well.

Out in the vast, limitless multiverse that is the indie video game market is a tiny, unremarkable universe. Inside this tiny, unremarkable universe is a small, red star. Orbiting this small, red star are seven planets. One of these planets is just the right distance away to have liquid water, oxygen atmosphere, good sandwiches, and everything else needed for life to survive. On this planet is a group of little green men who are no longer content with living on this boring blue-green rock…

These are the Kerbals. They are taking their first steps into space. They have good scientists (who signed up for the job when their attempts to prove that the color black makes everything faster proved fruitless), good engineers (race car pit crews), all the best modern technology (mostly found in the local junkyard or lying on the side of the road, but some of it ordered on E-Bay) and, most importantly, the best pilots in the country (random citizens who have either gone completely and utterly nuts or are just foolhardy).

What do they need now?


Phew. That’s a lot of epic, wouldn’t you say?

In the game, you build rockets and spaceplanes, and then strap either a probe or a poor Kerbal onto/into it and try to fly it. If you are  particularly brave, you can also attempt to dock with other vessels and make space stations and huge ships in orbit. It’s a lighthearted game, but don’t mistake “lighthearted” for “easy”. The game is challenging, very hard, sometimes frustrating and various other ways to say “you will not be landing on Duna the first time you boot up the game”.

This was my first attempt to make a Duna-capable rocket. Yeah...

This was my first attempt to make a Duna-capable rocket. Yeah…

And I love every minute of it.

Some fair warning about the cons:

*It is recommended you have at least a very basic grasp of orbital mechanics. No, you can’t deorbit by pointing at Kerbin and thrusting at it.

*The official language of the forum is math.

*The game is a bit comp-heavy, although it’s getting better.

*Spaceplanes are even harder than rockets.

*It’s still in alpha, a la Minecraft, meaning that bugs abound.

*Most importantly, if you go to the forums, do NOT suggest multiplayer, ask about release date of the next update or stick a K in front of every word to make it “Kerbal”. You will not be well received. And I learned that last one the hard way.

Besides those minor complaints, it is a very good game, so I recommend it highly. 9/10.

PS: I think 0.19 will be out soon, so get it fast, before price rises: