NationStates Review

18 11 2012

On my old blog, I have a review of NationStates. I am copy-pasting it here for posterity.

Following new legislation in Felix Terra, the nation is ravaged by daily union strikes.

Gee, all I did was give in to union demands…

For a while now, I’ve been spending most of my time with NationStates, a free, in-browser, text-based political simulator. This is how it works: you set up a nation, with your motto, national animal, currency, etc. Then you respond to “issues” once or twice every day. You then watch as your political, economic and civil freedoms unfold.

Now, this probably sounds like the most boring game in the world. And if it was just the issues, it would be. But it’s not. Although there’s no formal war or diplomacy mechanic, there is a forum where the users have created their own. Basically, you get on the forums and talk war, peace, riots, oil, water, the environment-all the fun things of geopolitics. Unless you don’t like forums, this is were you will spend most of your time.

Again, this isn’t a very detailed game, unless you’re a fan of forums, but I enjoy this game a lot. 9/10.

My flag. It even waves.

While your here, I guess I’m obliged to promote my region, 10000 Islands. Very friendly community, no chance of invasion(see the FAQ of the site), has an offline forum(which I haven’t joined… yet) and is generally a nice region. Check it out if you join.

Now, back to utopia building…



2 responses

9 01 2013

So, the game allows you to create multiple nations, as long as only one is a member of the WA at a time.

Which is all fine and dandy, however, what the same FAQ page do not inform you about, period, is that if you move all these nations into the ‘same’ region it counts as spamming and all your nations will get deleted for that.

How this works, is, if a nation enters a region, there is an automatic programmed update (you cannot chose) on that region’s notice board stating your nation’s arrival.

So i moved all my nation into a region – and lost them all at once as a mod deleted them without warning.

I queried it and the reply was that the nations were deleted due to breaking a rule called puppet flooding. The term for when lots of nations enter a region and the resulting automatic notification update stating each’s arrival.

I thanked the mod for notifying me by deleting everything and asked that they kindly post all these rules in the FAQ pages where on learns the game so it can help everybody from encountering the same situation – who knows what someone might ‘click’ and end up getting deleted without as much as a warning.

9 01 2013

I never heard of that. I had a group of puppets in a region, and they died of inactivity, besides one.

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